Beneficiary Designations
A legacy plan effectively starts now and extends beyond your lifetime as your resources are used to help our LifeWorks participants. Person by person, your legacy plan makes an eternal difference.
Choosing a beneficiary is a decision of who will become the recipient of a specific asset upon your passing. Jobs Partnership can be designated as a beneficiary, in whole or in part, on a number of assets. IRAs and retirement accounts are highly-taxed assets to leave to your heirs, making them excellent options to designate for Jobs Partnership.
A beneficiary designation is accomplished by first reviewing which of your assets require a named beneficiary. Next, contact your banking institution or broker to inform them of your decision. Examples to consider include IRAs and other retirement accounts, bank accounts, donor-advised funds and life insurance policies.
Click here to see other assets you may want to consider in your legacy planning.
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Please Note
The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an independent attorney or tax advisor.