Serving at JP: Relationship vs Transaction
We live in a world that values speed and efficiency, which is important when you are hungry and headed to the drive-thru at your favorite fast food establishment. That’s not the case, however, when we are dealing with the broken and messy parts of our lives – there’s just not a quick fix.
When people lose hope, they lose the ability to move forward in life. In Central Florida, nearly half of all families are struggling to provide basic needs on a daily basis, and they are losing hope.
We all need hope to live and thrive. Together with our Volunteers and Partners in the community, The Jobs Partnership gives struggling men and women a reason to hope through our LifeWorks training. Through this proven process, our Students address their spiritual, emotional, and physical issues while they discover the truth about themselves. And with the help of our amazing volunteers, they are personally guided to the resources and relationships that will help them pursue a career that uses their God-given gifts and skills.
You Were Made for This! Take a few minutes to watch the video testimony below which highlights several of our volunteers.
Our Spring 2018 classes will commence at the end of February for 12-weeks at four training venues in Orange County. We invite you to make a difference in someone’s life by serving as a Coach at one of our training sites. To Volunteer, Click Here. For more information: Beverly Henry-Brown (bhenry-brown@jobspartnershipfl.org or 407.641.0755 x105).