The Lasting Effects of Workplace Volunteer Programs
A 2016 Employee Engagement Study by Cone Communications revealed that 74 percent of employees surveyed felt more fulfilled at a job that offered opportunities to impact their community positively. Employer-supported volunteer programs (EVP) have yielded the most positive results among employee engagement, as opposed to annual team-building retreats and company training seminars. Often a component of a company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) or community engagement programs (CEP), workplace volunteer programs offer paid time off for employees to engage in volunteer services. These programs have shown to create a lasting change not just in the communities they serve, but also in the lives of their employees.
A Stronger Connection
When people give of their time to others and witness, firsthand, the impact and effects of their good deeds, they establish an emotional connection that changes them to the core. Through these programs, employees are able to practice critical soft skills. In fact, volunteering in the community offers opportunities to practice many soft skills at once. Employees can strengthen their problem-solving and communication skills and develop empathy, generosity, and compassion — skills that reinforce contagious positivity in the workplace.
A Deeper Commitment
Whether it’s feeding the homeless, planting trees, or picking up litter, workplace volunteer programs offer an abundance of ways for employees to fulfill their real-world passions at work. Not only will participation in these programs improve an individual employee in all walks of life, but it will also reward the employer with a more dedicated, committed, and fulfilled workforce.
A Fulfilling Career
If you’re searching for a career that will afford you the opportunity to give back to a cause close to your heart, contact The Jobs Partnership. We can help market you to the companies in your industry that are involved with social and environmental volunteer efforts. To get started, apply online or call at 407-641-0755.