Upskilling in the Middle of a Pandemic
Congratulations to the 82 LifeWorks graduates who worked hard to complete the 12-week integrated program! We celebrated their accomplishments with virtual Graduation ceremonies this week.
They came to JP with challenges to overcome as evidenced by the information that we learned about the men and women we served during 2020:
- median monthly income was $1,700 and 22% came into the program making less than $20k/year
- 41% came in without a full-time job
- 30% were on government assistance
- 72% had no health benefits
The good news is that as a graduates of LifeWorks training, they are equipped with life skills for work and have been connected to community, education and employer partners! 45 LifeWorks participants applied to Valencia College Accelerated Skills Training Programs…45 individuals who learned about the many employment opportunities and chose to pursue skills certification.
We also celebrate the 61 passionate community leaders who volunteered to serve as coaches this Fall, giving 48 dedicated hours to each LifeWorks participant. We were so blessed to have 19 NEW VOLUNTEERS join the LifeWorks team! Thank you to all those who came out both virtually and in-person to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers! We appreciate you and welcome your continued engagement in equipping people for life and work through Biblical principles.
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