What You Should Bring With You to an Interview
When it comes to job interviews, it’s important to be prepared. You only get one chance at a first impression, and you don’t want to risk getting your dream job because you failed to plan or walk into the interview unorganized.
The following is a checklist of things you should take with you when meeting your potential employer.
- Directions and contact information – Make sure you have the business address programmed into your maps, or print a copy to take along with you. You don’t want to risk getting lost and end up making yourself look bad. Also, have information of who you are supposed to meet with, in case an emergency does come up.
- Copies of your resume – Although many companies print a copy of your resume to take into the interview, you should never assume they have done it. Take the initiative to print off several copies – one for yourself, as well as enough for each person you’re interviewing with.
- A notepad and pen – Bring your own supplies in case you need to write down names, questions you may think of, or other relevant company information you may need to reference in the future.
- List of questions – If you’ve ever interviewed before, then you’ve heard the “Do you have any questions for me/us?” line employers like to ask at the end of the interview. Instead of saying, “No, I’m good,” have a set of questions ready based on what you think you would like to know about the company or specific job role.
- References – Because it’s better to keep your resume one page long, make a separate list of professional references that you can give to the employer during the interview. Make sure to choose people that can back up your ability to perform the job you applied for.
- Work samples – Depending on the job you are interviewing for, it’s a good idea to bring in examples of your work. Job positions this would be helpful to include writers, photographers, musicians, designers, etc.
As important as it is to bring the correct things with you to an interview, it’s just as important to be confident, well-dressed, and personable.
If you’re unemployed, underemployed, or feel stuck at your job, apply for the LifeWorks training course to get connected with the people and resources you need for a better future. Developed by The Jobs Partnership, the 12-week course is completely free to those who qualify. For more information, contact us today by calling 407-641-0755 or by filling out the online form.