
Real Estate Gifts

An outright gift of real estate can be a major way to bless Jobs Partnership in providing help to our LifeWorks participants.

In many cases, appreciated real estate can be transferred to Jobs Partnership as a tax-wise charitable gift.

  • Jobs Partnership receives the generous gift of real estate.
  • In the year you make the gift, a charitable tax deduction is available for the fair market value of the property, as established by a qualified appraisal. If you are not able to use the entire deduction in the first year, then you have up to five additional years to use the remaining amount.
  • The property is sold by Jobs Partnership, as a charity, relieving you of any capital gain tax you would have paid if you owned and sold the property yourself.
  • The full untaxed proceeds of the sale are available to be used as part of your legacy to meet the needs of our LifeWorks participants.

Jobs Partnership will consider gifts of residential and commercial real estate as well as undeveloped land. A due diligence process is required before acceptance of a real estate gift.

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Please Note

The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an independent attorney or tax advisor. 

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