Faith That Works Table Host
Table Host Instructions
We are asking our hosts to fill 8 seats at your table (this includes yourself). Our goal is 400 people this year -- let’s make it happen!
Please share this link with your guests: jobspartnership.org/ftw.
NEW THIS YEAR: As host, please register your guests yourself using the link on this page. After you register your guests, they will receive an email confirmation with pertinent information.
There will be a mandatory Table Host Orientation at 6:45am the morning of the event. Please be on time and do not skip, even if you have hosted in the past.
Please follow the Host Timeline below.
Register Your Guests
Host Timeline
Thank you
Thank you for stepping into this critical role! Since 2011 our annual FTW breakfast has been the primary vehicle that keeps our financial engines running at Jobs Partnership, and you provide the relational grease we need for it to be a success!
At the end of the breakfast, it is our prayer that you will walk away feeling joyful and confident in the good work being done through Jobs Partnership – helping people unlock a better job and a better life.
It’s not easy to invite people to a fundraiser! We get that, which is why it important for you to know how grateful we are, and that as an organization we are not aiming for what we can get from people, but rather what God has for them—joy! And we share that same prayer for you as a host.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions,
Marc Stanakis
President & CEO
Kent Suter
Donor Engagement Manager