Include JP
in Your Will
A legacy plan effectively starts now and extends beyond your lifetime as your resources are used to help our LifeWorks participants. Person by person, your legacy plan makes an eternal difference.
Important Information for Your Will:
Legal name: Jobs Partnership of Florida
Federal Tax ID: 59-3612893
Date of Incorporation: September 30, 1999
Address: 2250 Lee Road Suite 201 Winter Park, FL 32789
Sample Language for Naming Jobs Partnership in a Will or Trust
"I give (% of the residue, $ amount, description of property) to Jobs Partnership, a Florida non-profit corporation located in Winter Park, FL, with Federal Tax ID 59-3612893 to be *used where most needed."
*To Designate to a Specific Project, Use This Additional Sample Language
"I give … to Jobs Partnership a Florida non-profit corporation located in Winter Park, FL, with Federal Tax ID 59-3612893 to be designated for […name project…]. In the event the need for this project has abated or cannot fully utilize the gift, it may be used for a similar project with pressing need."
If you plan to include Jobs Partnership in your estate plans, it is important that you let us know so we can help fulfill your desire to support Jobs Partnership. Please see “More Information” below.
For More Information
Contact Us
We're here to help! You may reach our team at 407-641-0755 x115 or send us an email.
Please Note
The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an independent attorney or tax advisor.